Other links in this category
  • Resume on Target
    Our resumes service comprises of three categories depending on the stage of your career. Each step requires a different approach and execution when preparing a compelling document. All resumes are crafted in a solutions-oriented style that focuses on demonstrating your key achievements and capacity to solve company problems – because that is what employers are looking for in great candidates. All resumes are written in my proprietary template according to Australian writing conventions. I will work on your projection and profile to present you as a candidate worthy of an interview.
  • BestJobsUSA.com
    An employment web site providing resources, tools and information for career advancement.
  • Career Pro News
    Daily news and information for career development professionals, educators, career planners or anyone making a transition.
  • WorkStrategies.com
    Practical tips for managing your career and gaining control of your work life. Great information about the pet peeves of recruiters and what to do when you get laid off.
  • CareerGenie.com
    A source for job placement, career information, and support services. Counseling, advise and resume assistance available.